Got Your BAQ Resources
Got your BAQ resources
Below you will find several resources to teach your family and friends how to use Baqsimi, and how to be prepared.
Watch the following video to learn how to administer BAQSIMI. Share it with your family, friends or co-workers so they can administer BAQSIMI in case of emergency.
Video Transcript
(Upbeat Music)
[Baqsimi glucagon nasal powder3mg]
[Before using BAQSIMI make sure to read the instructions for use and the leaflet that comes in the package.]
Voice over: Welcome! Today we are going to show you how to use BAQSIMI. Show your family members, friends and people you work with where you keep this device and explain when and how to use it.
[Delay in treatment may be harmful.]
Voice over: It is important they know how to use BAQSIMI before you need it.
[If the tube has been opened, moisture may have gotten into the medicine and causing it to not work as expected.]
Voice over: Keep BAQSIMI in the shrink-wrapped tube until ready to use. Remove the shrink wrap by pulling on the red stripe. Open the lid and remove the device from the tube.
[Caution: do not press the plunger before insertion into the nose.]
Voice over: Caution: do not press the plunger before insertion into the nose. Otherwise the single dose in the device will be lost.
[Caution: do not press the plunger until ready to give the dose.]
Voice over: Hold the device between fingers and thumb. Do not press plunger or test device. Insert the tip gently in a nostril until the fingers touch the outside of the nose. Push the plunger all the way in with your thumb. The dose is complete when the green line on the plunger no longer shows. Remove the tip from nose and throw away the used device and tube.
[If the person with the low blood sugar is unconscious, turn the person to their side. Call for medical help right away.]
Voice over: If the person with the low blood sugar is unconscious, turn the person to their side. Call for medical help right away. Encourage the person with the low blood sugar to eat or drink a high-sugar snack like regular soda or fruit juice as soon as they can safely swallow.
[For more information about BAQSIMI talk to your healthcare provider]
Voice over: For questions or more information about BAQSIMI, ask your healthcare provider. Share this video with people you count on so you can be prepared.
(Upbeat Music)
[Baqsimi glucagon nasal powder3mg]
[Before using BAQSIMI make sure to read the instructions for use and the leaflet that comes in the package.]
Voice over: Welcome! Today we are going to show you how to use BAQSIMI. Show your family members, friends and people you work with where you keep this device and explain when and how to use it.
[Delay in treatment may be harmful.]
Voice over: It is important they know how to use BAQSIMI before you need it.
[If the tube has been opened, moisture may have gotten into the medicine and causing it to not work as expected.]
Voice over: Keep BAQSIMI in the shrink-wrapped tube until ready to use. Remove the shrink wrap by pulling on the red stripe. Open the lid and remove the device from the tube.
[Caution: do not press the plunger before insertion into the nose.]
Voice over: Caution: do not press the plunger before insertion into the nose. Otherwise the single dose in the device will be lost.
[Caution: do not press the plunger until ready to give the dose.]
Voice over: Hold the device between fingers and thumb. Do not press plunger or test device. Insert the tip gently in a nostril until the fingers touch the outside of the nose. Push the plunger all the way in with your thumb. The dose is complete when the green line on the plunger no longer shows. Remove the tip from nose and throw away the used device and tube.
[If the person with the low blood sugar is unconscious, turn the person to their side. Call for medical help right away.]
Voice over: If the person with the low blood sugar is unconscious, turn the person to their side. Call for medical help right away. Encourage the person with the low blood sugar to eat or drink a high-sugar snack like regular soda or fruit juice as soon as they can safely swallow.
[For more information about BAQSIMI talk to your healthcare provider]
Voice over: For questions or more information about BAQSIMI, ask your healthcare provider. Share this video with people you count on so you can be prepared.

(Musique édifiante)
[Baqsimi Poudre nasale de glucagon (3 mg)]
[Avant d’utiliser BAQSIMI, veuillez lire les directives d’utilisation sur le feuillet contenu dans l’emballage.]
Voix off : Bienvenue! Aujourd’hui, nous allons vous montrer comment utiliser BAQSIMI. Montrez aux membres de votre famille, à vos amis et à vos collègues l’endroit où vous conservez ce dispositif et expliquez-leur à quel moment et de quelle façon l’utiliser.
[Il peut être dangereux de retarder le traitement.]
Voix off : Ils doivent savoir comment utiliser BAQSIMI avant que vous en ayez besoin.
[Si le tube a été ouvert, il est possible que le médicament ait été exposé à l’humidité. Cela pourrait nuire à l’efficacité attendue du produit.]
Voix off : Gardez BAQSIMI dans le tube sous pellicule plastique jusqu’au moment de l’utiliser. Tirez sur la bande rouge pour retirer la pellicule plastique. Ouvrez le couvercle et retirez le dispositif du tube.
[Mise en garde : n’appuyez pas sur le piston avant d’avoir inséré la tige dans une narine.]
Voix off : Mise en garde : n’appuyez pas sur le piston avant d’avoir inséré la tige dans une narine. Autrement, la dose unique que contient le dispositif sera perdue
[Mise en garde : n’appuyez pas sur le piston avant d’être prêt à administrer la dose.]
Voix off : Tenez le dispositif entre les doigts et le pouce. Ne pas appuyer sur le piston ni tester le dispositif. Insérez doucement la tige dans l’une des narines jusqu’à ce que les doigts touchent l’extérieur du nez. Utilisez votre pouce pour enfoncer complètement le piston. La dose complète est administrée lorsque la ligne verte n’est plus visible. Retirez la tige du nez. Jetez le dispositif et le tube utilisés
[Si la personne en hypoglycémie est inconsciente, tournez-la sur le côté.]
Voix off : Si la personne en hypoglycémie est inconsciente, tournez-la sur le côté. Appelez aussitôt les services d’urgence pour obtenir des soins médicaux. Incitez la personne en hypoglycémie à manger ou à boire quelque chose de très sucré, comme une boisson gazeuse sucrée ou du jus de fruits, dès qu’elle est capable d’avaler sans danger.
[Pour obtenir plus de renseignements sur BAQSIMI, consultez votre professionnel de la santé.]

BAQSIMI Initiation Guide
Prepare yourself, family, friends, and co-workers with all the information needed on how and when to use Baqsimi, with our getting started guide. This file can be saved to your phone/computer, printed, or shared.
Download in multiple languages below.